  • 2 cipolle
  • 300 g di salsa di pomodori datterini
  • 300 g di fagioli borlotti al vapore
  • Olio extravergine d’oliva
  • Sale
  • Peperoncino
  • Pepe


Sbucciate le cipolle, lavatele e tagliatele a rondelle.
Mettete le cipolle a cuocere in una padella con un filo d’olio, salatele e aggiungete un bicchiere d’acqua.
Lasciatele cuocere a fuoco medio fino a quando l’acqua sarà evaporata, quindi aggiungete la salsa di pomodoro, tre cucchiai di olio. Salate, aggiungete il peperoncino secondo il vostro gusto e macinate un pizzico di pepe nero.
Fate cuocere per una decina di minuti prima di aggiungere i fagioli.
Lasciate insaporire per altri 5 minuti, poi servite subito ancora caldissimi.
Potete accompagnarli con dei crostoni di pane caldi e croccantissimi per aggiungere un tocco ancora più goloso!
Buon pranzo!!!

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 Have you ever found a very easy recipe, quick to make and with few ingredients? It is quite fascinating how this kind of recipes will surprise you, after all the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, as the philosopher said.


  • 2 onions
  • 300 g of cherry tomatoes sauce
  • 300 g of steamed beans
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Sale
  • Chili pepper
  • Pepper


Peel the onions, wash and cut them into thin slices.
Put the onions to cook in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, season with salt and add a glass of water.
Let them cook over medium heat until the water has evaporated, then add the tomato sauce and three tablespoons of oil. Season with salt, add the red pepper according to your taste and a pinch of black pepper.
Cook for about ten minutes before adding the beans, mixing every now and then.
Cook for another five minutes, then serve when the beans are still hot.
You can serve them with crunchy croutons that will make your dish even more appetizing and tasty!